Nicolas Poussin - The Rape of the Sabine Women, 250 words written by a 4.0 gpa student.

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Nicolas Poussin - The Rape of the Sabine Women In The Rape of the Sabine Women, there is no obvious vanishing point. There is great depth to this composition, which is created through a multitude of techniques. Although there are several buildings and man made objects, linear perspective is not extremely defined. However, aerial perspective is apparent. The colors of the building are muted, suggesting distance against the darker clouds. The clouds gain mass by …

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…women must have had to endure. Their arms stretch out almost to the heavens for help. The men have indifferent, placid expressions. In the midst of the mayhem are two helpless babies who look up in the confusion at the free-for-all that is taking place before them. *****************Simulated New Page (Save Our Trees) ***************** Bibliography Cleaver, Dale G. Art An Introduction 5th Edition. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1989. Hibbard, Howard. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Harrison House, NY. 1980.