Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America Book Report

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Nickel and Dimed both entertained and disturbed me, with much more on the latter. In this book, the author deliberately places herself in the position of the working poor, taking jobs that aren't fit for a slave to earn money not fit for anyone over the age of 12. The best way to find out what a certain life would be like is to walk in the shoes of one who lives it. She temporarily altered …

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…is a leader that can think, someone who has vision, innovation, and constructive imagination. For all of those perspective Democratic challengers to president Bush for the 2004 election, I plead with thee. If there is a man among you who has the will and the vision to step up to the plate and be a true leader, someone who will deal, in earnest, with the issues that I have mentioned here, I beg you. Save us!