News: Is It Fair and Balanced?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
News, according to, is "information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television." What do we really get from the news today? The news, whether it be written or visual, has been criticized for its biases and lack of objectivity. Although still providing information on happenings worldwide, sometimes opinions on the issue are also conveyed in the report. Recently, a major attack, which will be taking place …

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…pg A10. Lasseter, Tom. "Hospital Near Insurgent-held City Preparing To Handle Many Victims. " San Jose Mercury News 5 November 2004 pg A2. Moore, Steve. "The Truth About Iraq." 2004. <> "The Truth About Iraq." Narr. Eric Shawn. Fox News. 31 October 2004. Channel 59. "The War on Terror." Narr. Camerota, Alisyn. Fox News. 31 October 2004. Channel 59. Wong, Edward. "Provincial Capital Near Falluja Is Rapidly Slipping Into Chaos." The New York Times 28 October 2004 pg A1 and A12.