New York Times vs. United States

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Essay Database > History
New York Times vs. United States The New York Times is a respectable newspaper, established in 1851 by Henry J. Raymond. It was taken over by Adolph S. Ochs in 1896 and his descendants still run it. The New York Times staff has won more Pulitzer Prizes than any other newspaper's staff. The newspaper is known today as one of the mainstays in the journalism world. The United States Government in the late sixties - early seventies …

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…However, two more Supreme Court Cases sprung from this ruling, Marchetti v. United States, and Snepp v. United States. Each case dealing with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to require former employees to submit proposed writings to review the laws on security breaches. In all the Supreme Court's decision justified the media's attacks on the government and it secrecy. It also gave crediblity to the media and out them in right- standing with the people.