New York Times vs. U.S. (1971)-

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New York Times vs. U.S. (1971)- This case came at a time when America was at unrest. A controversial war had divided the country. Opinions and arguments about whether the US involvement in Vietnam was warranted occupied the minds of American citizens. The people were hungry for information regarding the war. The Pentagon Papers, somehow leaked to the New York Times and Washington Post, fulfilled this need of the people for information. The government's …

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…American judicial system. It was the first attempt by the federal government to restrain the publication of a newspaper. Not only was it a major test of the interpretation of the First Amendment, but it came at a crucial time in American history. The events and subsequent disclosures of the Watergate cover-up were unfolding, and many were beginning to question the power of the government. This was a major victory for free expression in America.