New York City Underground Art.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Art has been an essential part of New York City underground subway system since it first opened to the public. The underground art offers a variety of images for that often mesmerizes the tourists and captivates the eyes of fellow New Yorkers. The art in the subway system includes murals of that consists of glass, ceramic or stone mosaic, windows of stained glass and sculpture and most of all abstract art. They are created by …

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…Yorkers. The art in the subway system that consist of murals of that contain glass, ceramic or stone mosaic, windows of stained glass and sculpture and most of all abstract art. They were created by either renowned artists or newcomers from every corner of the New York art world. The art work strongly reflects the subway's pulsating social reality which portrays the natural environment of the New York City subway system and the outside world.