New York

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Essay Database > Literature > English
NEW YORK When you hear the name New York most people think of the city, skyscrapers and the statue of liberty but N.Y. is also a state. THE STATE: The state N. Y. is situated in the Northeast of the USA. It has got 127190 squarekilometers and there live about 18 million people. 85 per cent live in N.Y. city. A lot of people do not know that the capital of N.Y. is Albany because …

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…nnedy International Airport, are important ,too ,because with ships and planes they export a lot of things. It is hardly to believe that in N.Y. city are nearly 60 bridges and it is almost impossible that every day 15000 taxis take people to places wherever they want. Philharmonicer Orchestra was based. Friends of music know this orchestra very well because it is very famous. At the Broadway, a popular street, there are many and big theatres.