New Worlds For All

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Essay Database > History
New Worlds for All, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America. By Colin G. Calloway. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1997. Colin G. Calloway effectively states to his readers that the Indians of the North America were not just pushed aside by the Europeans who had begun exploring and immigrating in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The Europeans had influenced them, but they also influenced the Europeans. The Indians and the Europeans each shaped the so-called …

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…the availability of the food and wild game (74, 32, 28). In conclusion, Calloway successfully states the ways in which the Europeans and the Indians became new people from being around one another. The way he got his point across was that he allowed you to encounter all the changes. He made it very clear on what he was trying to say, I understood what he was trying to say all throughout the short book, very well written.