New Journalism.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
New Journalism emerged during the 1960's and 70's as a cultural practice enabled and constrained by social trends, market forces and debates over professional values. New Journalism was a new way of approaching the news. It included the facts without including any lies or fabrications, New Journalists were able to add extra flavour to their writing. They described the scene of the room so the readers could see every image as if they actually there. …

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…like Wolfe, Didion and Herr into a more restricted, polite tale about the grand tradition of literary Journalism as it is now known. What such accounts miss is the historical accuracy of the New Journalism experiment. That is how social trends, market forces and writerly ambitions converged in the 1960's, and how the New Journalism emerged from that period that would, over 4 decades, subtly fold itself into societies perception about Journalism, Politics, business and culture.