New England vs. Chesapeake dbq

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Essay Database > History
In early English colonies, there is hardly a resembled union of men and women that would later on fight against England and build a new country. During the mid-eighteenth century, most English colonists had very little to do with the settlers in neighboring colonies. The colonies in the New World appeared completely different. The prospect of any unity between them seemed impossible. The colonies in New England and the Chesapeake illustrate the many differences in …

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…and education. Where as the Chesapeake settlers, they were clearly hoping to "strike gold" in the New World. Many hoped they could improve their social status even more by gaining large profits from growing and selling such items as tobacco. The south society seemed to care more about their wealth and power more than anything does. Due to these culture barriers, a separated north and south was created, causing two distinctly different societies to evolve.