New England and the Chesapeake Region

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Essay Database > History
Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both lettled largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two societies. The main resons for this were mostly based on the type of people from England who chose to settle in both of the areas. Also, how the areas were settled. New England was very supportive of their faith and religion but the people who emmigrated to the Chesapeake region were …

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…and believed that they could say anything in the governing of the colonies (Document H). They believed that if they made it through all of their hard times, that nobody had the right to impose laws on them. Two really different types of people were formed in the Chesapeake region and in New England. New England were close followers of their church and the South became independant and could fight to get what they wanted.