Never Cry Wolf, by Farley Mowart

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
NEVER CRY WOLF Never Cry Wolf, by Farley Mowart, describes a scientist's adaptation to the wilderness as he is in search of wolves. Tyler, who is the main character, learns to respect the rights of the animals in the wilderness throughout the movie. Before his adventure begins Tyler runs into a drunk at the bar who tells him to avoid nature, as he would be the only meat to eat there. Rosie, a bush pilot, …

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…movie, even though they were complete opposites. Mike on the other hand lost all the respect he had for nature, wolves, and those who did respect it. He ended up not caring about it at all, wishing he did not have to deal with it. Each character had different views on nature as well as different uses. It is hard to determine what is right, but we are all able to make our own opinions.