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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
1.1 Neutrality Neutral; not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute. In International Affairs; neutral country takes no side in a war between other parties and in return hopes to avoid being attacked by either of them. A neutralist policy aims at neutrality in case of an armed conflict that could involve the party in question. Neutrality can be seen as a European phenomenon, it has always been a social fact in …

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…international stage, while emphasizing an purpose to stay neutral in case of war close to the country. By such a declaration of purposes, the country hopes that all belligerents will count on the country's territory as off limits for the enemy, and therefore unnecessary to waste resources on. As a recent example is the position of The Netherlands during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This was described by politicians as political support, but no military support.