Network Topology and City Accessibility of the Commercial Internet

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
David C. Wheeler and Morton E. O'Kelly of Ohio State University conducted an experiment designed to measure internet performance and assess both telecommunication access and success. Furthermore, the two observed which U.S. cities are the most efficient in both criteria. <Tab/>The Internet was originally designed to connect researchers at several national supercomputers and provide a fast medium to share information. The original project was named The National Science Foundation …

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…modems. It would be interesting to see how this affects the efficiency of Internet providers. <Tab/>By and large, however, I felt that this research is good. It provided a fresh approach to a subject, and its findings had substantive merit. What's more, this research is cyclical in that it answered an old question but created a new one. This I feel is the most important ingredient of all good research.