Nervous Conditions by Tsitsi Dangarembga

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Written in 1988 by South African writer Tsitsi Dangarembga, Nervous Conditions is a coming of age story for the narrator, Tambudzai. The oldest daughter of a native Shona family living in the British colony of Rhodesia during the 1960s, Tambudzai has her heart set on getting an education as a means of developing her independence. To achieve her goals Tambudzai, or Tambu, goes through the trials and tribulations associated with the autocratic authority exercised by the …

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…little wonder why she sought other means of gaining independence and power. Although her style of writing was a bit difficult to follow at times, considering the subject matter - a woman fighting against dual oppressive systems - I understand how Dangarembga is considered one of the top female authors of all time. It is because of the adversity the characters in the novel experience that I believe this novel is aptly titled Nervous Conditions.