Neoclassism and Rococo

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Rococo and Neoclassicism The artists Jean-Honore Fragonard and Jaques-Louis David both successfully embody their respective stylistic differences. Fragonard's style of painting is Rococo, which is characterized by its softness, asymmetry and curviness. Contrasting these ideals is David's style of painting, Neo-Classicism. Neo-Classicism is synonymous with strong gestures, symmetry, and solidness. Two works that best exemplify the ideals of each style of painting are Fragonard's The Swing, 1767 and David's The Death of Socrates, 1787. Although at first …

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…art that challenge each other's ideals. The theme of infidelity versus loyalty and how one arrives at the decision made is animated in the works of Fragonard and David. However, it is important to note that there is no right or wrong form of art, although it may seem that this was the common perception of the time. In conclusion, both works of are similar in one important aspect; they are both works of art.