Neo Nazi

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Skinheads are a subdivision group of Neo-Nazis. During the late 1960s, skinhead groups organized in Britain. By the 1970s, the British National Front (NF)-the Nation Socialist Party- began to infiltrate skinhead groups. They espoused nationalism, and often staged protests against nonwhite immigration. The trend spread to other countries including the United States, and Canada. Today, skinhead groups in North America are known by such names as Hammerskins, Fourth Reich Skins, League of Aryan Warriors, …

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…school because he was hanging out in the street. The common Neo-Nazi skinhead look is usually Doc Marten boots, bomber jackets, a shaved head - and violent behavior. The Neo-Nazi skinheads group is very organized. There's a record label, Resistance Records. Which have probably over 300 CD's people can buy. Skinheads recruit a lot through their record sales. There are newspapers, magazines and videos for TV shows. Resistance is now trying to make a motion picture.