Neighbour Rosicky: A response.

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Essay Database > Literature
Neighbor Rosicky by Willa Cather is a story about a Czech immigrant named Anton Rosicky and his family who live in a rural farmland area in Nebraska. Rosicky is a kind old man who is truly dedicated to his family. He lives in a house with his wife Mary and their two boys. However, it is his oldest son Rudolph that Rosicky is most concerned about as he has just been married and is off …

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…were to ask most people if Anton Rosicky were a rich man, the consensus answer would be no, but if you were to ask Anton Rosicky the same question, he would likely respond with an overwhelming yes. For Rosicky, his wealth was the love of his family, the land that he had to call his own and make his home. Though he did not have a lot, he made the best of what he had.