Negro Leagues

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Passing beyond cliche to near triteness, baseball has long been described as "the national pasttime", and "America's game." These appellations are, of course, intended to be complimentary, even self-congratulatory. But the applause rings hollow when one considers the context in which the comments were made; the acclaims turn to bitter irony when the term "America's game" is examined in less flattering light. For indeed, baseball is America's game. It was invented here, flourished here, and …

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…ground in every major field of endeavor, and seem to be readily accepted in technical, professional, and middle-management positions, blacks in the upper echelons of business, government, and other national organizations are few and far between. So although baseball continues to be the "nation's pasttime", so does segregation. One can only hope that, one day, both game and country will each come to fully embrace the ideals for which! they are best known. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**