Neglience in doctors- payouts to plaintiffs

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Most of us realize that members of our medical profession sometimes operate under difficult conditions. However, where medical negligence is clear and damages are suffered as a result of that negligence, a patient may sue the negligent doctor and/or the hospital. A medical negligence action is usually based on a contract between the hospital or doctor and the patient. This contract implies that reasonable skill and care will be exercised in the medical treatment. …

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…that time the patient's father was suffering from cancer and she therefore signed the consent form. However, no further explanation was given in relation to the consequences of the removal of the ovaries. It was subsequently established that the ovaries were completely normal. Miss M suffered psychological and physical effects from the removal of her ovaries and in particular she required long term HRT therapy with an increased risk of breast cancer and thrombo-embolic disease.$$35000