Negative sides of the 20s prosperity

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The 1920s was an era of "silver-linings" around clouds of prosperity, a hidden dark cloud of racism loomed for some Canadian groups. Though this time period was known as a decade of prosperity, the Aboriginals, Black Canadians, and the Immigrants were negatively targeted by the society. Laws and policies were passed that carried disadvantages for these minorities. The Aboriginal people can be defined as a member of any of the peoples that inhabited Canada before …

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…the decade. The racial discrimination was hidden under the thriving years; many individuals struggled due to racism and mistreatment from the society and the government. The government assimilated the Aboriginal, society excluded Black Canadians, and laws were negatively effecting the new immigrants. Racism in Canada created a new type of prosperity for those who affected, it forced them to struggle to find a "voice" and pave the way for us, who in enjoy multiculturalism today.