Negative sides of the 20s prosperity

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The 1920s was an era of "silver-linings" around clouds of prosperity; is a hidden dark cloud of racism, which loomed for some Canadian groups. During the 1920's, laws were passed that carried disadvantages for Aboriginal people, Black Canadians, and minorities wanting to immigrate. This time period was known as the decade of prosperity; there were obvious groups that were negatively targeted. Aboriginal people can be defined as a member of any of the peoples that …

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…Africana par.3). Also the "Kanadian" Klan was formed during the 1920s, who was intolerant to visible minorities. (Westcoast Coalition for Human Dignity par.8) Many public places forced them to remain in segregated areas, such as theaters, restaurants and bathrooms. (Taylor2 par.6). A number of men who were mistreated went to the courts in search for justice; nevertheless, the courts protected racial discrimination (McGraw-Hill, Ryerson, par.2). The Segregation against African American Canadians limited their general rights.