Ned Kelly

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Essay Database > History > World History
Edward Kelly was born the son of Irish immigrants in Beveridge, Victoria, in 1854 and from the moment he set foot on this earth he was programmed to rebel against the greater good. Being born into a family of immigrants deported from there home land for commiting petty crimes they immigrated to Australia and were given a selection by the government. Ned Kelly started off with petty crimes a harassment charge here and a horse stealing …

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…Rumors would be spread of the gang's hidden arsenal of revolving rifles and the possession of high-tech "bullet deflection equipment"; an $8 million reward would be offered by the US government for the capture, "dead or alive", of these outlaws. The media's and the British government's hype in Victoria in the late 1870s, at the height of the Kelly gang's infamy, was not that different to what you'd expect if Kelly was still at it today.