Nectar in a Sieve Book Review

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Nectar in a Sieve Written in the early 1950s by Kamala Markandaya, Nectar in a Sieve reflects a time of intense turbulence in rapidly developing India. Indian independence from Britain after World War II was flourishing, and India suffered some of the worst, cultural, economic, climatic and social shocks an infant nation has ever witnessed. This fictional tale follows the plight of Indian villagers who battle nature, struggle through poverty, endure personal hardships, and encounter …

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…that all my personal problems seem petty and trivial in comparison to Rukmani's struggle. Her endeavor has no fairy tale ending. Throughout all the hardships she never losses faith, and never wallows in self-pity-- a lesson we could all learn. Paradoxically, Rukmani's fatalistic attitude actually aids the preservation of her beliefs (and individuality). Rukamani preserves traditional values against the crashing tides of poverty, death, industrialization. Her plight echoes what is happening globally in developing countries.