Necessity of the U.S. Civil War-

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Essay Database > History
Necessity of the U.S. Civil War- When Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the south saw their economy and way of life threatened. They didn't like Lincoln, and didn't want him to be their president so 7 states seceded from the Union and formed a Confederacy. They were determined to establish themselves as an independent nation. However, in order for them to be that, they have to be recognized by foreign countries as an independent …

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…the Civil War. He had no idea that it would last so long and result in so many casualties. He probably thought it would be an easy task to go and take over the confederacy. He could not predict what the war would have resulted in, all he could think about was how to prevent the confederacy from getting foreign recognition as an independent nation. The only way to do that was to declare war.