Necessary Characteristics of Being Humane

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Essay Database > History
Necessary Characteristics of Being Humane The idea of being human has grown foggy over the course of time. During the time of the Romantic writers such as Emerson and Thoreau, society knew that being human meant showing justice, courage, compassion, and love. It seems that society since the Deep South Reconstruction has created and blurred the line between being humane, showing the before mentioned characteristics, and being merely human, displaying only the physical signs of …

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…all humanity, the Allies would not have sought justice for their fellow humans. Without love for ! all humanity, Dr. King would not have had the courage to stand up for civil rights. Without love for all humanity, compassion is quickly lost in the fog of inhumanity. Therefore, this defines what it means to be human: in order to be human, we must exhibit the characteristics of justice, courage, compassion, and love. Word Count: 920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**