Nazi Persecution of the Jews- before, and during the second world war.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Hitler did insanely hate the Jews. This was mainly because in his years of poverty in Vienna, most of the successful businesses were run by Jews, he being unemployed and living in the streets for some years couldn't get a job, because the majority of Jews had the successful jobs. Also he blamed the Jews for the Defeat of Germany in WW1, even though there were Jews in the Germany fighting for Germany them selves, …

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…th September of 1941; Hitler declares war on the USA on the 11th December. The Nazi's tried to keep the massacres secret, so the public don't find out and revolt, or if the outside world found out then something would've had started, but this plan didn't go so well, the allies were starting to become aware and on the 17th December the allies declared that those guilty of killing Jews, will be punished after the war