Nazi Party

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Essay Database > History
Nazi Party The most merciless and cruel party in the world, was under the role of Adolf Hitler, their violence remained a deep gash in the western world history. Nazism was originated in Germany in the early 1920s. It was the doctrines or practices of the Nazi party. Nazism was a shortened version of the tern National Socialism, denoting the doctrine and form of government of Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf as enunciated …

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…Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1980. Nazi Fascism and the Modern Totalitarian State. Payne, Stanley. Fascism. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1980. The History Place: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party. htm. The History Place: The Rise of Hitler, A New Beginning. The History Place: The Rise of Adolf Hitler, Nazi Party is Formed. .