Nazi Germany

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Essay Database > History
The most merciless and cruel party in the world, was under the role of Adolf Hitler, their violence remained a deep gash in the western world history. Nazism was originated in Germany in the early 1920s. It was the doctrines or practices of the Nazi party. Nazism was a shortened version of the tern National Socialism, denoting the doctrine and form of government of Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf as enunciated in his …

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…the last likelihood seemed to be another Hitler. For the most part, Germany was a burned-out crater of big- power politics. She had no stab-in-the-back legend, no "Jewish conspiracy" myth to spur her on. In fact, if democracy should falter, the greatest probability was that it would be supplanted by communism, that totalitarian system which existed in East Germany and which, although Nazism's undying foe, was more akin to Nazism in practice than to democracy.