Navy SEALs

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Essay Database > History
In the spring of 1943, a group of volunteers was selected from the Naval Construction Battalions . These units were tasked with reconnoitering and clearing beach obstacles for marines going ashore during amphibious landings. Today, the Navy SEALs can trace there beginnings to these underwater ?frogmen.? SEAL us actually an acronym for sea, land, and air, because members of the elite team are experts in all three of the fields. It was during the 1960?s that the …

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…could make an observer look right by (Watson 246). Navy SEALs have five primary missions: Unconventional Warfare (UW), Foreign Internal Defense (FID), Direct Action (DA), Counter Terrorism (CT), and Special Reconnaissance (SR). A SEAL platoon consists of two officers, one Chief, and 13 enlisted men. In the career of a SEAL or UDT, they can be called away from home at literally a moment?s notice. No dead SEAL has ever been left on the battlefield (Woodcock 1).