Nature in "Dien Cai Dau."

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
I have chosen to provide my interpretation for two of Yusef Komunyakaa's poems ("Camouflaging the Chimera"; "Tunnels") from his collection of poems, known as Dien Cai Dau, which are, in my opinion, his most descriptive and illustrative poems of his experience and feelings from the Vietnam War. These poems are also most expressive in terms of his literary tools he chose to employ and his thoughts that he was trying to convey to the reader, …

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…He questions each root. Every cornered shadow has a life to bargain with." This quote is important to me in the significance and implication Komunyakaa communicates to the reader the individual life and history of each living organism surrounding him. This selection of poems illustrates Komunyakaa's intimacy with his surroundings. He feels that every man out there is a part of nature, he even views the enemy, Vietcong, as a physical element of their environment.