Native son (richard wright) and Bigger's struggle for power.

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Power Native Son, by Richard Wright, explores a time when the black population saw potential and power slip through their hands. Bigger Thomas, the main character, is e typical African-American male struggling through life and trying to climb his way up the poverty ladder. Most of the events early on seem to be in his favor, but that soon takes a twisted turn for the worst and he is on the run to save his …

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…Bigger is dragged to his awaiting, unwanted fate. Wright writes, " He opened his eyes and saw a circle of white faces; but he was outside of them, behind his curtain, his wall, looking on" (252). Even after being apprehended, the seemingly unbendable wall of white superiority still spits in his face. Bigger's vulnerability, the true cause for his incapacity to grasp power, can be seen through his inability to trust others through their often infuriating ignorance.