Nationalism in Germany and Italy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Nationalism Nationalism is a state of mind. It is a patriotic feeling or emotion that people experience when they believe they belong together as a nation.I individuals who share a common culture, history, language, or religion often feel that he or she owes supreme loyalty to the nation-state. Nationalism is a modern movement where devotion and patriotic feelings dominate politics and are often manifested as a desire for unity or national independence. Throughout history, …

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…and in Germany. The social order of both countries were under seige and beginning to crumble. New ideologies, changing perspectives, and revolutionary thoughts came to the forefront. People demanded new governments, new leaders, and new politics. They sought to improve their social condition, obtain better education, and increase their standard of living. This social and economic development lead to nationalism and the feeling that each citizen owed his or her supreme loyalty to the nation.