Nationalism: What convinced Americans that their nation was destined to be Great and how this conviction affected the governments domestic policies.

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Nationalism The time period 1800 to 1840 was a time of great nationalism and expansionism in the United States. The national feelings were caused by political, economic, and intellectual domestic developments in the US. Strong national feelings convinced Americans that their nation was destined to be great. This in turn affected the governments' domestic policies and allowed Manifest Destiny to take place. When America entered the war of 1812, its economy was mainly based on local trade and …

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…a settlement; the dispute was over how much land each side would receive in the end. This is where '54 or 40' or Fight!' comes from, because this is the border the American's wanted. Because of Manifest Destiny, America greatly expanded its borders. Manifest destiny would not have been possible if there had not been such an outpouring of nationalism resulting from pride the American's felt for their country, which steamed from internal improvements.