Nationalism This essay is about Nationalism and its key factors. Also how it created the world we live in today.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Nationalism is the belief that people should be loyal to their nation rather than their king. The six bonds that create a nation-state are nationality, language, culture, history, religion, and territory. While the United States does not share all of these same features, I still believe it is a nation-state. Nationality is a belief in a common ethnic ancestry. I believe that the United States does not have a common ancestry. Almost everyone is not …

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…territory cannot. The United States has its own borders and areas that belong to it. This land is known to the world as United States territory and is considered by everyone to be its land. While the United States does not hold all of the bonds to be true, I still believe it to be a Nation-State. It cannot be argued that almost every citizen of the United States is loyal to the country itself.