National Waiting List

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
There are currently 83,543 people on the National Waiting list to receive organ donations and the number is gradually rising every day. One percent of people on the list are non-resident aliens. Although this percentage is small, the issue for non-resident aliens' organ recipients is a scorching topic among transplant centers and organizations. Non-resident aliens should not be able to be added to the National Waiting List. Non-resident aliens are defined as "an individual granted permission …

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…they still treat the patients. All regulations and guidelines are null and void because of the Hippocratic Oath. The number of people the National Waiting List increases every day. Non-resident organ recipients are increasing as well. Non-resident aliens should not be able to be added to the National Waiting List due to the demand for organs. If this is able to be done then every United State's citizen will have a better chance for life.