Nathaniel Hawthorne -"Young Goodman Brown".

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on the forth of July 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, a descendant of Puritan immigrants; one ancestor had been a judge in the Salem witchcraft trials. Maybe this is where he got some of his inspiration for the story 'Young Goodman Brown' The story of Young Goodman Brown is not just written to amuse people. It is a story told with two levels of meaning: a literal and a symbolic one. The symbolic …

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…was a dream or not have changed his view on the people living in the town and so it's not the town that changed, but the person. The town which changed has totally excepted the person after he came back, but the person who changed could not except the town which was the same as he left it the day before. A lot can happen during one night in the land of mystery and magic.....