Nathaniel Bacon biography.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Colonel Nathaniel Bacon lived before America as we know it was founded. He lived in the Virginia colony of Great Britain, but he was not British, he was an American. Bacon lived during a time when Virginia was in a frustrating state. They were taxed heavily, constantly harassed, and most of all, the failure of their most prized crop. This angered many colonists into a state of rage that had to be taken out on …

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…many slaves and they wanted power and money over most anything. But most of all it showed the other colonists of what rebellions could do. Governor Berkeley knew that Bacon "treacherously carried to the dishonnor of the English Nation."He did not trust Bacon. He tried to pardon him many times, but every time rejected. Berkeley was very loyal to the King, so he wanted to stop any quarreling between the subjects and the King.