Napoleon's downfall

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Essay Database > History > European History
Napoleon's Empire Collapses Napoleon was born on August the 15th, 1769 in Corsica. He was the second son of Carlo Buonaparte and Letizia Ramolino, and he was given the unusual name "Napoleon", because of the floor mat on which he was born, this depicted the heroes of Homeros. Although there is no specific date, Napoleon soon changes his last name from Buonaparte to Bonaparte. I suspect that he wanted no family ties to hold him back …

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…enough the Russian army crush the French. Britain, Prussia, Sweden and Russia join forces to end Napoleons reign. After the French army collapsed, Napoleon was exiled and sent to the island of Elba. He escaped soon after, and tried to regain his power but was again exiled. Napoleon was a strong and determined dictator. Although his crucial mistakes cost him his throne, he is still known as one of the world's greatest leaders. The End