Napoleon V. Hitler > A comaparison

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Essay Database > History > World History
Napoleon Napoleon Bonaparte arose from this turbulent time as a revolutionary. Many have gone on to describe the French Emperor as an aberration. Nevertheless, Napoleon Bonaparte was produced by the French class system. The makings of a improvised upbringing and a time of indulgence of self-profit. Hence, it was only inevitable that a Napoleon Bonaparte would be unleashed on the world. The embodiment of blind ambition and survival skill that would one day be utilized …

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…world a lesson. How racial prejudice can be so harmful... By the end of the war almost 6 million Jews were massacred and lots more left with no families and homes. Hitler completely brainwashed Germany, making the people believe that the Jews were the cause of bad economy, the loss of World War I and lots more. Such behavior should be stopped and realized throughout the world so something like the Holocaust would never repeat again.