Name of painting: Large interior, Los Angeles Name of painter: David Hockney this is about david hockneys painting in metropoliten museam of art.this is disccription of a painting in art terminologies

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Name of painting: Large interior, Los Angeles Name of painter: David Hockney Modern Art is not really on my good list. I am not a fan of it. Though when doing this project, I found a painting that to my eyes was beautiful and uplifting. It was painted by David Hockney a painter I am not familiar with. His works are beautiful but only one painting was noticed among the rest by me to be …

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…would help the painting look real beyond belief. This painting by David Hockney is a success in my opinion. He combined light with shapes and color and formed an ultimate image. This painting with only two faults of no depth and 3 dimensional perspective is otherwise one of the best things I have ever seen. I hope that any other person that looks at this painting will agree with me and call this painting a masterpiece.