Name of Company - Columbia Industries by ralth dernom

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Name of Company - Columbia Industries Objectives of the company - 1) to be able to deliver automotive plastic injection parts to the automotive industries within Australia and overseas 2) to be competitive (cost pricing policy) - finance department's role 3) to have quality products by using the state of the art technology 4) innovations through collaboration with customer mainly with manufacturing department and engineering departments 5) timely delivery by distribution and warehousing department Company structure - top down approach, …

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…the unit gives priority to customers by having the manager to answer customers' queries personally. (Customers - Holden, Ford, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda & Mazda and some overseas companies in countries like Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesian, New Zealand) 2) Unions - company complies with union requirements, for example the union requirements for workers to be trained in Level 3 Warehousing Certificate 3) Government - The unit gives priority to Work & Safety issues in compliance with government legislations