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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Nike Remy Ajluni Adam Brook Anthony Colletti Elizabeth Crompton Conrad Pilewicz Michael Ramos Current nature and structure of the athletic footwear industry: The athletic footwear industry is a highly competitive environment where the top four manufacturers hold over 70% of the market share. The barriers to entry into the industry are comparatively low, as anyone with new creative design ideas can produce and market their product, but the success of smaller companies is oftentimes shaky. Brand …

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…Force Ones" by rap singer Nelly. Nike has thus had the fortunate situation to be in a position to cash in on such opportunities. Company Threats Nike's most immediate threats stem from environmental factors. The SARS epidemic in Asia has been a prime example of how Nike's company can be affected by conditions in far flung places like Asia. The implications of the epidemic were large in scale in that Nike has had to close