NE vs Chesapeake DBQ

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the first decade of the seventeenth century, English immigrants began to arrive at the newly discovered land called America. Escaping from their poor, decrepit lives in England, these people longed for a peaceful, comfortable existence. In 1609, the first official settlement was established in Jamestown, Virginia, in the Chesapeake Bay area. Separatists with the same origins and the same dreams arrived in Massachusetts in November of 1620 on the Mayflower. Within seventy years, these two establishments …

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…was not suitable for growing crops in mass. The New England society and the Chesapeake society, both set up as an escape from English oppression, both searching for peace and happiness, yet both were so unlike the other. Because of differences in politics, family morals, and the size of communities, both took separate routes in developing their own identity. But it is these distinct qualities that make up the diversity, the uniqueness of today's America.