NASA's Money Use: Unjustified?

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
NASA's Money Use: Unjustified? By many, it has been though that NASA's spending of money is wasteful. Billions are spent on space missions, and many more billions are planned to be spent in the future. This "human curiosity" should be contained until all the problems on Earth are resolved. Right now, there are millions of people starving to death. Millions are being oppressed. Millions are forced to live in the streets because they do not …

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…be other reasons for this research? Moving to another planet in our own solar system? That idea is probably a joke; there is no chance that some planet can support life. Even with elaborate stations and state-of-the-art equipment, life is impossible elsewhere. It would be best if we, humans, stay on our own planet for the meanwhile. Necessities of today should be dealt with now, and wants of the future should be dealt with tomorrow.