NAFTA for canada

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1994 the year NAFTA had become effective, delegates from three Countries (Canada, United States and Mexico) had signed a free trade agreement in December of 1992. The leaders of these nations signed the agreement with the hopes of prosperity. Isn't ironic that five years later we are starting to see that NAFTA was not beneficial but in fact the opposite. Since then NAFTA has ignited fierce opposition from labour and environmental groups. They have feared that many …

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…does not any action there will be a serious problem not just for Canada but the world. If Canada's trees go then less oxygen will be produced and all animals' not just humans need oxygen, without it we will all die. Selling Canada's water is also a big mistake especially if it in a body of water that is being over fished. Those two mix are very serious and Canada can not take any chances.