NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

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Essay Database > Literature > English
FREE TRADE, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO: RESEARCH INTO THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT INTRODUCTION In January 1994 the United States, Mexico and Canada entered into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and created the largest free trade sector and the richest market in the world. The treaty was said to benefit over 400 million consumers all over the world. Chile was even recently added to the treaty in 1995 …

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…helping the unemployed workers in the U.S. and the agricultural farmers. There are too many good incentives brought about by NAFTA, especially with strongly encouragement to other countries in Middle and South America to make efforts to reform in order for them to qualify to enter into the agreement. Most countries will not be able to meet these reform goals very rapidly, but by stimulating reform, NAFTA brings a stabilizing effect to the region.