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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
THE NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT. ( N.A.F.T.A.) The North American free trade agreement was brought forth into law in 1994. The fundamentals of it were based on an earlier agreement already in place with Canada. The main purpose of NAFTA was to further elaborate on this previous agreement and to basically open the doors of free trade to all three of the North American nations, those being Canada , America, and Mexico. In …

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…caused prices to go lower and lower. With the possibility of a free trade agreement with China in the works, NAFTA has been a valuable tool for many economists to use to judge the possible effects of free trade agreements with other nations as well. The trend of open global markets is sure to continue in the future, and we as the largest free county in the world, need to lead the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**