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Essay Database > Business & Economy
International Trading Alliances.
In recent years global economic pressures have been rising tremendously. With such competition it seems logical to implement a regional economic integration system such as NAFTA. By reducing trade barriers throughout Canada, United States, and Mexico NAFTA has enabled a powerful threshold to empower an effective trading relationship.
<Tab/> In efforts to lower the trading barriers and investments between countries NAFTA has decided to integrate these North American
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the integrity of the association. <Tab/>I suggest that it is imperative that the NAFTA stay in effect to ensure the economic safety of the countries in alliance in a global context. I feel that the other free trade associations are prepared to form stronger alliances to obtain a more competitive economic advantage. Therefore, I see no problem with sustaining the current trade association and building on it for the future.
the integrity of the association. <Tab/>I suggest that it is imperative that the NAFTA stay in effect to ensure the economic safety of the countries in alliance in a global context. I feel that the other free trade associations are prepared to form stronger alliances to obtain a more competitive economic advantage. Therefore, I see no problem with sustaining the current trade association and building on it for the future.