N.K. Kleinfield's "A Creeping Horror"

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Essay Database > Literature
N.K. Kleinfield's story for The New York Times allows his readers to experience September 11th's day of trauma and horror like no other. I feel that Kleinfield had a strong beginning to his article because of the way he chose his words. His first sentence and paragraph, "It kept getting worse", left me wondering 'what kept getting worse'? This made me want to read on to find out more information. As I did, the …

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…no where was safe." The symbol that I took from this quote was that of the word 'epicenter' which, in the story, describes the location of the people trying to escape the disaster. Kleinfield weaved a fine story. It left me with a better understanding of how the terror that day affected so many people. He had a lot of extreme interviews to work with and ended up with a great story because of them.